The Luminaria festival centered at Hemisfair Park and illuminated the downtown San Antonio streets. Gazebos, abandoned buildings, streets and natural areas came alive with music, projections, exhibits and performers at every turn. Fringe exhibitions were staged in storefronts on Houston Street and a flash mob dance opened the festival.
LocationHemisfair Park
Miss Neesie and the Earfood Orchestra
Mitch Webb and the Swindles
OLLUTAN Mariachi
Oscar Alvarado and Gordon Delgado
Richard Oppenheim’s A&R Band
SOLI Chamber Ensemble
The AIA Lit Costume Parade
The Children’s Chorus of San Antonio
The Real Bill Lewis
The SA Blue Cats
The San Antonio Symphony
True Stories
Urban 15 Group
Viet Ruse
Amanda Silvia
Anna da Luna
Daniel Garcia
Mellissa Marlowe
Vincent Hardy
Northwest Vista F-Pack
Rebecca Burroughs
Teen Arts Puentes Project
Pete Sanchez
The Magik Theatre
The Peace Posse
Adriana Garica
Alamo Asian Chamber of Commerce
Aldon Mines
Andrea Caillouet
Atkinson Collective
Ben Mata
Bryan Przyblay & Sara Alvarado
Buster Grayball
Cardee Garcia
Carla Veliz
Casey Galloway
Cecilla Santos
Charles Harrison Pompa
Edgar Farrera
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Esteban Delgado
Gabriel Craig
Gerardo Garcia
James Cobb
James Wyatt Hendricks
Jeremiah Teutsch
Jess Trevino
Karen Mahaffy
Laurie Brainerd
Mannino Sugerman
Mark Aguilar
NifNot Productions
Rebecca Dietz
Rick Frederick
Robert Conrad Poschmann
Sarah and Victor Pagona
Scott Martin
Shannon Gowen
Stuart Allen
Taiwanese Lantern Masters
Thomas Cummins
Tigercom Productions
Pushcart Derby Car
Troy Waddell
Vincent Valdez
Ballet Austin
Ballet Conservatory of South Texas
Ballet del Cielo
Ballet Folklorico Fiesta
Ballet San Antonio
Chinese Cultural Performing Association
Danza Azteca
Inish Free School of Irish Dance
Kailigan Philipine Cultural Group
Kalalaya Indian Performing Arts
Megan Aldana
Mia Angela de Lourdes
San Antonio Jazz Ensemble
Sarita’s Dance
Satori Tribal Fusion
Seme Jatib Proyectos en Movimiento
ST Shimi and Erik Bosse
Tamara Adira & Ashley
Alejandro Rodriguez
Aztec Gold
Bihl Haus Arts
Guillermina Zabala
Joan Fabian
John Mason
Joseph Hladeka
Mark and Angela Walley
Michele Monseau
Mistah Pete
Alonzo’s Lullaby
Andrea Sanderson
Barbara Ras
Bryce Milligan
Carmen Tafolla
Cary Clack
Gemini Ink Libro Libre
Naomi Nye
Poema del Pueblo
Poetas Del Valle de Rio Grande Bravo
San Antonio Writers Block
VIA Poetry on The Move
Anthony Bosmans
Ben Tavera KingBombasta
Camerata San Antonio
Erica Anthony
Gypsy Moon
Henry Brun & the Latin Playerz Orchestra
Invincible Czars
Jai Roots & The Herb Café
Joel Dilley and the New World Ensemble
Laura Marie & Chris Taylor
Los #3 Dinners
Los Innocentes
Los Padrinos
Louis Davila & Robert Jimenez
Melissa Ludwig Band